Friday, November 29, 2019
Vrouwen In Managementfucnties Essays - , Term Papers
Vrouwen In Managementfucnties 1 Inleiding 'Uit een rapport van de ILO (International Labor Organisation, 1993) blijkt dat tussen 1985 en 1991 het aandeel van vrouwelijke managers steeg in 39 van de 41 onderzochte landen. Aan de andere kant meldt ABC News (1993) dat in geen enkel van 33 onderzochte landen vrouwen evenwaardig worden behandeld als mannen.' Het aantal vrouwen dat deelneemt in het arbeidsgebeuren, is na WO II gestadig gestegen. Redenen hiervoor zijn o.a.: het ontstaan van vele routinejobs die hoofdzakelijk door vrouwen werden ingenomen, vrouwen trouwen later en krijgen later kinderen en beschikken daardoor over een langere periode om deel te nemen aan het arbeidsleven, het feit dat bepaalde bedrijven overtuigd zijn van het competitieve voordeel van diversiteit in het werknemersbestand (verlaging van de kosten, stijging van de productiviteit, behouden van het marktaandeel?)(Parker en Fagenson, 1994). Want deze bedrijven recruteren de beste personen zonder onderscheid van geslacht, nationaliteit en ras en beschikken bijgevolg over een veel grotere arbeidspool. Maar toch kunnen we stellen dat nog veel vooruitgang mogelijk is. Ondanks de toename van het aantal vrouwen in de totale arbeidspopulatie, blijft hun aanwezigheid beperkt tot bepaalde sectoren zoals de verzorgende en de administratieve sector. Bovendien blijkt uit verschillende studies (o.a. ILO) dat mannen van over de hele wereld de hoogste managementfuncties bekleden, wat betekent dat vrouwen beschikken over minder verticale mobiliteit. Daarbij komt nog dat hoe hoger vrouwen opklimmen in de hi?rarchische structuur, hoe groter de verschillen worden tussen mannen en vrouwen, wat dan resulteert in een geringe horizontale mobiliteit. In alle categorie?n van jobs worden vrouwen bovendien aanzienlijk minder betaald (Rowney en Cahoon, 1990). En dit terwijl vrouwen, zo blijkt uit onderzoek, meer graden behalen dan hun mannelijke collega's. In het algemeen kunnen we zeggen dat vrouwen niet gelijkmatig vertegenwoordigd zijn in de verschillende segmenten van de arbeidsmarkt. Hieruit kunnen we besluiten dat, alhoewel verandering zichtbaar is, veel organisaties mannen en vrouwen nog steeds verschillend behandelen op het vlak van o.a. promotiekansen en verloning. Terwijl verklaringen hiervoor in grote mate uiteenlopen, kunnen we 3 verschillende perspectieven onderscheiden die pogen te verklaren waarom vrouwen ondervertegenwoordigd zijn in functies die macht en status uitstralen. Deze theoretische denkkaders zijn niet enkel bruikbaar voor research, maar ze bieden ook inzicht vanuit welk perspectief organisaties deze problematiek gaan benaderen! 2 Theoretische assumpties over vrouwen als manager Ellen A. Fagenson (1990) geeft in haar studie over het geringe aantal vrouwen in managementfuncties drie perspectieven van waaruit dit feit verklaard wordt. Zo wordt een onderscheid gemaakt tussen de traditionele theorie?n, de gender-centered perspective en de organization structure perspective en een meer recente theorie, de gender-organization-system approach. Het eerste perspectief, het gender-centered perspective (Fagenson, 1990), ook wel person-centered view genoemd, gaat uit van de basisgedachte dat vrouwen en mannen fundamenteel verschillend zijn. Het gedrag van vrouwen en daarbij aansluitend hun beperkte aanwezigheid in de hoogste rangen van hun organisatie wordt toegeschreven aan factoren die typisch zijn voor vrouwen. Het beeld van de goede manager in onze samenleving is iemand die agressief , rationeel en onafhankelijk is en die bovendien zelfvertrouwen heeft en goed beslissingen kan nemen. Vrouwen daarentegen bezitten 'vrouwelijke trekjes' die daaraan tegengesteld zijn. Ze worden m.a.w. verondersteld benadeeld te zijn door hun gedrag en karakter en missen daardoor de noodzakelijke kenmerken om te functioneren als succesvolle leiders. Bovendien wordt de houding die vrouwen hebben aangenomen t.o.v. zichzelf, hun gezin, hun carri?re, hun organisatie en hun ondergeschikten, beschouwd als tegengesteld aan de eisen en de verwachting va n een topmanager. Deze topmanagers worden namelijk verondersteld erg toegewijd te zijn aan hun werk, carri?re en organisatie, terwijl een vrouw veel meer aandacht besteedt aan haar persoonlijk en familiaal leven. Andere belemmeringen voor vrouwelijke verticale mobiliteit die passen binnen dit perspectief kunnen we als volgt formuleren: terwijl vrouwen risico's schuwen, zien mannen ze eerder als een kans of een uitdaging, vrouwen kunnen ook niet op lange termijn plannen en zijn bang om succes te hebben. En wanneer ze succesvol zijn, schrijven ze dat eerder toe aan externe factoren zoals geluk en de lage moeilijkheidsgraad van de opdracht, dan aan interne factoren als inzet, kennis en kunde. Onderzoek toont aan dat dit perspectief vandaag nog steeds bestaat bij mannelijke managers (Brennan, 1989) en dat vele bedrijfsleiders in de jaren zestig dit perspectief hanteerden en
Monday, November 25, 2019
20 Argumentative Essay Topics Ideas to Write about in an Essay about Medicalization as a Social Concept
20 Argumentative Essay Topics Ideas to Write about in an Essay about Medicalization as a Social Concept If you have to write an argumentative essay on medicalization as a social concept, you need a topic. There are twenty potential topics listed below which might help. Remember though that these are only a smattering of potential topics available to you and should be viewed in relation to your instructions. Social Construction of Illnesses in Medical Sociology Social Constructionist Tradition of Medicalization Understanding Social Constructionism as a Counterpoint to Deterministic Illness Approaches The Study of Medical Sociology as Revealing Medicalization Trends Illnesses and Their Cultural Meanings Throughout History Social Construction of Illnesses Based on How Individuals Learn about Their Illnesses The Social Construct of Illnesses at the Experiential Level Social Construction of Illnesses Based on How Individuals Learn to Live With Their Illnesses Medical Knowledge about Illnesses Constructed by Pharmaceutical Companies The Medicalization of Natural Inflammation Processes in the Body Medical Knowledge about Illnesses Constructed by Policy Makers Negative Ramifications of Treating Aging Process as a Medical Issue Negative Ramifications of Treating Emotions as a Medical Issue Negative Historical Impact of Treating Homosexuality as Mental Illness Historical Treatment of Sexuality as Health Illness or Disease The Trends in Medicalization as a Social Concept Historical Influencers and Parties in Medicalization as a Social Concept The Link Elements between Pharmaceutical Profits and Medicalization as a Social Concept The Linking Elements Between Pharmaceutical Research for Medicalized Illnesses Compared and Other Illnesses The Current Growth Levels of Medicalization as a Social Concept Sample Argumentative Essay ââ¬Å"The Medicalization of Natural Inflammation Processes in the Bodyâ⬠Comprehensive and widespread lack of education has led to the medicalization of fitness. There are many facets to this which have suddenly become a medical issue in spite of the fact that they are natural biological responses. If people truly understood the nature of their bodies and how each system within the body worked, something which could be taught in remedial educational courses, there would be no need to treat these processes medical ones.à The ideas of weight gain, weight loss, muscle gain, and the natural responses of the body. Various aspects of these states have been viewed as inflammation and have brought a great deal of medicalization, especially on anti-inflammatories. When the body and the muscles within the body are worked as they often are in regular exercise or in response to agents within the body which are not meant to be there, the natural response is inflammation. This is not a bad thing and yet many people view even the slightest bit of inflammation of something terrible. When muscles are worked in the form of exercise in order to increase the muscle mass, they the muscle fibers are literally teared which leads to inflammation and then repairs. The muscle fibers are becoming larger. But for many people the idea of any inflammation becomes a cause of great fear. The medicalization of simple bodily processes has led to a handful of anti-inflammatory agents available from over the counter. No longer do people need a prescription or even to pay a visit to a doctor. When the slightest bit of inflammation becomes evident they would medicate it to immediately rectify the situation. That being said, inflammation is a natural response, a natural process which does take a few days to be completed. To medicalization of the muscle or any other part affected body part which can lead to improper repairs. With medicalization, people are socially brought to believe that they should get rid of inflammation because it is bad. Today people take diet pills that help reduce inflammation. These pill simply contains foods that reduce inflammation. But rather than removing these foods from their diet people turn to pills. Rather than allowing the body to go through its natural repair face and to work the magic it has to bring about improved health, people will stop the process in its tracks by taking medicines that they dont need. Because it is now the established social concept many people are socially brought up to believe that inflammation is bad in any form. Unfortunately the exact opposite is true. As mentioned, inflammation is a natural response of the immune system and it is something which has to be allowed to run through its course. When people use the medicalization of such elements to their advantage the only ones benefiting are the companies producing the anti-inflammatories. On rare occasions are anti-inflammatory medications necessary due to the fact that the body systems are no longer responding properly to a situation and the current level of inflammation could lead to permanent damage. But this is not something which would ever happen to individuals who are taking the anti-inflammator y medications. Simple headaches, simple growing pains, are simple muscular reactions to pools or tears or heavy exercises are just that. They are nothing more and they are nothing detrimental to the health of peoples bodies and yet the medicalization such facets has led to regular use of anti-inflammatories by citizens around the United States.à It is imperative that changes be made to the current understanding of the bodily systems and body responses such as inflammation. References: Inderbitzin, Michelle Lee, Kristin Ann Bates, and Randy R Gainey.à Deviance And Social Control. Los Angeles: SAGE, 2013. Print. Miah, Andy, and Emma Rich.à The Medicalization Of Cyberspace. London: Routledge, 2008. Print. Mukherjea, Ananya.à Understanding Emerging Epidemics. Bingley: Emerald, 2010. Print. Rubington, Earl, and Martin S Weinberg.à The Study Of Social Problems. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Print. Szasz, Thomas.à The Medicalization Of Everyday Life. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 2007. Print. Yip, Lorraine Hor Kar.à Transgender Jurisprudence, Identity And The Law: An Equality And Categorical Analysis. 2009. Print. Zardini, Mirko, Giovanna Borasi, and Margaret Campbell.à Imperfect Health. Montreà al: Canadian Centre for Architecture, 2012. Print.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Mediation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Mediation - Research Paper Example In this form of mediation, the mediators drive the conflicting partiesââ¬â¢ attention to focus on what drivers of conflict exist in their situation (Moore, 2014). This enables the parties to understand overt issues and go beyond them to the deep root causes of the conflict that they may not understand including the parties respective position in the conflict. The abstract needs that the individuals in a conflict have are the interest that should be focused on at this. As such the mediation seeks to have a bargain that will satisfy these interests. The process, substantive, relationship and principle interests as ell need to be included in order for a successful mediation. An example of integrative mediation is the case of divorce where partners share the wealth and children have access to both parents. It does not consider the betrayal, heart break that made of the parties seek divorce. Distributive approach of mediation on the other hand can be understood as competitive mediation that where the parties in conflict seeks to distribute the pie amongst them (Moore, 2014). It is often described as a zero sum exchange since the parties tend to believe that whatever it is that one side gains the other side loses. It is therefore position focused where the involved parties move from position to another to reach an agreement. Several compromises based on the shifts in positions through the mediations take place until an agreement is reached. In the distributive approach of mediation, agreements are normally reached after a compromise leading to a mid point is achieved. This are typically from the first positions or demands set out by the conflicting parties in the onset of the mediation. However this offers made are considered reasonable by the other party in the conflict and as such may not consider any bargaining parameters for negotiation (Moore, 2014). An example is in the case
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Southern California Edison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Southern California Edison - Essay Example Based in Rosemead, California, the company was founded in the year 1886 by the name Holt & Knupps. They were "primarily a provider of street lights" then. (About, par.1) Later, in 1897, West Side Lighting Co. and Los Angeles Electric Co. merged to form Edison Electric Co. of Los Angeles. The company changed its name to Southern California Edison in 1909. Today's Southern California Edison is a 122 years old company, "serving more than 13 million people", (EI 1, par.1) providing reliable electric service covering more than "50,000 square miles" (EI 1, par.1) of central, coastal and central southern California, "employing more than 15,500 employees", (SCE 1, par.7) While going through the news releases of SCE, one happens to come across this recent article about "Safe holiday lighting tips."(EI 2, par.4) saying "As the excitement of the season sets in with decorative displays, many people are inadvertently exposed to a greater safety risk of becoming the victim of a fire or electrical accident, such as shock or electrocution." And the rest is about safety measures and light saving tips. It sounded more like an advisory. After going through it, one gets the feeling that they have written it less out of concern for their customers and more out of concern about the 'blame' people would put on their head in case if something went wrong and even if it wasn't their fault. Not without a reason, since I came across another article in Los Angeles Times which said "Power lines are the suspected culprits behind 12 major fires destroyed 1041 homes and killed two people." (Mozingo, par.1) Somehow, I feel, this is another typical case of strained relations between a 'big' company not being able to keep 'all' its customers happy. A common observation involving monopoly businesses. Suppliers: Like every other 'big' company, SCE manages its suppliers in a very systematic manner. SCE requires vendors for various purposes like managing scrap, meter data management, managing its ERP, energy procurement (natural gas and whole sale electric supplies), various materials, etc. One remarkable feature is that it does its energy efficiency program jointly with other utility companies viz. Pacific Gas and Electric Company and San Diego Gas and Electric Company. As such, vendors for efficient energy management are evaluated jointly. One very optimistic feature is SCE's active encouragement for renewable and alternative power generation. In fact, it has a special power contracting option for smaller biomass generators so as to contribute towards California's renewable energy as well as environmental goals. Competitors: Until California's rush into energy deregulation in 1996, SCE had a tightly regulated but a 'natural' monopoly. Though it was intended to move towards a less regulated energy market so as to decrease the cost of electricity by fostering competition among producers, its practical effect has been divestment of generation facilities by utility companies. SEC is the primary electric supplier for much of Southern California. However, the Los Angeles
Monday, November 18, 2019
How the Government is Restricting our Freedom and Rights Essay
How the Government is Restricting our Freedom and Rights - Essay Example This essay stresses that the public officials and the government are increasingly setting illegitimate restrictions on citizen's freedom of peaceful assembly, and expression to silence key voices. Evidence reveals how opposition politicians, activists and journalists face arbitrary intimidation, politically motivated criminal charges, arrest and threats for expressing opinions deemed critical and vital by the government authorities. This paper makes a conclusion that the government restricts the right to freedom of expression by law of the international human rights, to protect and preserve the rights of public order and other rights, if permitted in a democratic society to restrict and law mainly does it. The formulation is based on the European Convention on Human Rights and the UN Covenant on Political and Civil Rights. Religious rights of protection are crucial as a human right, but concerning the freedom of religion, the government laws impose restrictions, a restriction same as the freedom of expression. Right to religion, is a freedom to manifest or express one's beliefs, which is subjected to various limitations as prescribed by law. Although such limitations are fundamental to protect public order, safety, morals, health or essential freedoms and rights of others, it still infringes ones right. The government has banned public protest among unverified contentions that coordinators organized violence. In contemporary times, political activists are accused of treason a serious offense for their engagement in planning the protest. In many countries, government authorities are creating an environment where it is difficult for citizens to criticize government practices or policies and government officials. Recent report documents more and more restrictions on the media in US, which prevent it from freely, and timely broadcasting information concerned with government scandals and other critical matter. Journalists in media houses and private broadcasters have reported facing temporary closure, harassment and intimidation by the government authorities. All these imposed measure and restrictions infringe people freedom of expression, (McMullen, Bagby and Palich, 2008). Under the current international Conventions, obligations of the state concerning freedom of expression are immediate and absolute. Similarly, as with other types of liberty, particularly unrestricted freedom of speech and e xpression may result to the infringement of other peopleââ¬â¢s rights. A number of restrictions and limitations have hedged the freedom of expre
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Applications of Group Technology
Applications of Group Technology 1.0 Introduction Nowadays, the global economic of the world is getting increase and improves. All of the countries, nations and citizens are developing in a fast growing trend. Now the manufacturing processes also have to improve to such a way that produce and manufacture a good quality product with lower costs. Therefore a term group technology has been introduced. Group technology actually refers to a kind of technique which classifies the manufacturing part (sometimes named as family part) according to the size, shape, process or length. Some companies may group in according to other criterion such as the productââ¬â¢s function as long as it makes the companyââ¬â¢s works easier. Actually, this group technology really can help to reduce the production costs. This is because grouping the part together (group of the part can be known as family part) can help to save the transportation costs, time of production and all this consequently increase the productivity, therefore, group technology defi nitely will be very useful to many of us. Actually people start using group technology since the 1920s. People start using group technology in manufacturing process during that moment. We are also able to see the example of group technology in our daily life. For example, when we go to the library in our school, all the book will be classify according to the faculty and the title of the books. This method is not only makes the works of the library staff easier but also enables the students or lecturer to find the books that they need easily. During the past decades, people normally used group technology to reduce the cost of production in manufacturing process. However, now the situation has changed, group technology has now become an important strategy for most of the manufacturing processes. It is an important aspect to improve the productivity and cause the company to develop in a better way. 2.0 Method to develop family part In order to use the concept of group technology, the companies have to think of the way to classify the group. The first step will be classifying the part of the products (family parts) according to two different attributes which will be based on the geometric characteristics and production process characteristics. In geometric characteristics, the products will be classified according to the size, shape and length. However, if the products are being classified according to the operation process, then the machine used for production, method of processing and tools used to hold the products will all being take into consideration. This actually is a method to group the part based on their attributes. Therefore, the company should observe their own product and determine the best way to classify the products. For example, for those company that actually own a factory that produce screw or bolt nut, the best method of classification will be geometric classification since the products may varies in shape and size. However, if the company is actually a health care company, and they are producing body shampoo, toothpaste and mouthwash then the better way to classify the product will be the operation processing classification. This is because the products produced are actually all the same in term of size and shape, but they may be varying in flavor and smell. This is causing the operation process to be different from each other. Then, the next step will be determining the method to form part families. Normally, the company will use three different methods to form the part families. The methods include coding and classification, manual visual inspection and production flow analysis. Different product may have different method to form the part families. The company should find the best way to group them and obtain the best result. 2.1 Classification and coding Classification is a process to group all the related parts into a group and sometimes can be known as part families. Wherease, coding is means that the part families are being assigned with a symbol. People will be able to obtain the information of the particular product based on the code. Each character of the code also carries the information of the previous character. This is the most effective and accurate method to classify group technology among these three methods. Nowadays, there are almost more than 100 types of classification and coding are available in the world. Besides, the coding system may vary from one company to another company. Many company had hire some experts to improve the coding system but there is no any universal acceptance until now. Some of the people may think that coding is just a simple task and can be easily done. However, it is actually a very difficult complex problem. Many time and energy have to be spent in order to find the best coding system that suitable for the company. As stated above, there are about 100 kind of coding system available in the world. However, all of the classification and the coding systems are actually can be grouped into three different kind. That will be Hierarchical (monocode), Attribute (polycode) and Hybrid (mixed code). Hierarchical (monocode) Hierarchical (monocode) is actually a coding system which the each character being used will need to depend on the meaning and carry along the information of the previous character. This kind of system also will show a tree structure pattern. The benefit of using this coding system will be the coding system is seem to be more apparent and all the information will be able to obtained based on the code itself. Hierarchical (monocode) is very useful in many ways especially when the products are differing in shape, size or other geometric characteristics. Forming a good hierarchical system can be very difficult. However, there are some hints for those companies who wish to form hierarchical system. When forming the codes, the company should ask themselves some questions. The answers collected from the choices will enable them to form an effective coding system. The benefits of this kind of coding system will be enables us to obtain many information within a single few digits code. Furthermore, this kind system makes some part of the part can bring along some useful abstracting information to the company. However, the disadvantage will be it is quite impossible to produce a perfect hierarchical system. The other disadvantage will be the existence of sub group can lead to many different sub-sub group, this cause some position having blank code. The figure above is an example of hierarchical (monocode) system and we can see that there is some imperfection in this system due to there is some empty coding exists. There some researches being done in order to improve and increase the efficiency of this hierarchical system.à à à Attribute (Polycode) The attribute code system sometimes can be known as polycode and chain code system. This code is different with the monocode in term of their digits. In this polycode system, the digits within the code are all carrying different information. Each digit represents each different attribute of the part. The advantage of this attribute (polycode) system will be very easily understood. This is due to each character is independent from one another. The company can know the details exactly after they saw the code. Unlike hierarchical code, the character has to depend on the previous information. Therefore, only the users who are familiar with the process can read the exact details. But this kind of coding system also did show a very significant disadvantage. This will be the code formed will be very long and large. The figure below will be an example of attribute code system. From this table, we can clearly see that each character actually represent different attitude of the products. For example, if we obtain a product with a code of ââ¬Ë32123ââ¬â¢ that it will represent that this product actually has the characteristics of, boxlike in external shape, center hole in internal shape, do not have any number of hole, the type of hole will be cross and the gear teeth is actually an external spur. Digit Class of feature Possible value of digits 1 2 3 4 1 External shape Cylindrical without deviation Cylindrical with deviation Boxlike â⬠¦ 2 Internal shape None Center hole Brind center hole â⬠¦ 3 Number of holes 0 1-2 3-5 â⬠¦ 4 Type of holes Axial Cross Axial cross â⬠¦ 5 Gear teeth Worm Internal spur External spur â⬠¦ â⬠¦ .. â⬠¦ â⬠¦ â⬠¦ â⬠¦ Hybrid (mixed code) The final category of coding system will be the hybrid (mixed code). This is a kind of code system which most of the company prefer. This system combines the advantage from the Hierarchical (monocode) and Attribute (polycode) system. People may define this is an advanced system code. The example of this code will be ââ¬ËA12131B120ââ¬â¢. The first alphabet ââ¬ËAââ¬â¢ is actually represents the type of part such as gear or screw. The next 5 digit used to represent the attribute of the part. Then the ââ¬ËBââ¬â¢ in the code above represents another subgroup such as the material or design. The following digit will be explaining the attitude of the subgroup stated. This clearly shows that this system did rely on the precious digit but also have some digit are independent which are able to show the attribute by itself. Actually there are also some organizations and company use a special kind of hybrid (mixed code) system. They are known as DCLASS or MICLASS code and contain up to 8-12 digits in a particular code. However, there is only some specific organizations such as (The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research) are using this special kind of hybrid (mixed) code system. Manual visual inspection Manual visual inspection will be one of the methods used to classify part families. Actually, this method is not accurate enough compared to coding and production flow analysis. This method is actually classifying the products based on the physical appearance. Sometimes, there will be some companies or organizations are classifying the products only based on the photograph and arrange them based on their feature. Therefore, we can conclude that this is one of the most inaccurate methods of grouping part families. However, there are actually some organizations are suitable to use this kind of coding system for their group technology. There is one company in United State successfully save their company from being backrub by using this manual visual inspection to classify their group technology. Actually, all of the method will be effective as long as it is suitable for the production of the company. Production flow analysis The other method to determine the part families will be the production flow analysis. This kind of classification system will mainly focus on the production process. The products that need to be manufactured by the same working process will be classified as a part families and then being processed by using a single kind of machines. The machines that used to manufacture part families are known as cells. Cellular manufacturing is referring to the manufacturing process when the part families are being manufacture by cell machine. The advantage will be this production flow analysis system need less effort compared to coding and classification system. When classifying products by using this system, we need to form a matrix. This matrix actually did bring along some special meaning. This actually is a machine-component chart and it is also a M * N matrix where M = number of machines and N = number of parts. The 2 figures below show the production flow analysis. The grouping will be based on the operation process and find the optimum solution for it. For example, there is a duplicate D in production flow analysis. This is because machine D need to produce too many parts. If only single machine to be used, group 1 and group 2 have to be combined but they have too many dissimilar routings, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 A 1 1 B 1 1 1 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E 1 1 F 1 1 1 1 G 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 K 1 1 Figure above is the component machine chart 2 11 1 10 16 18 12 6 3 4 7 8 9 14 15 19 5 13 17 H 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 1 (Group1) F 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 B 1 1 1 E 1 1 D (Group 2) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 G 1 1 1 1 1 J (Group 3) 1 1 K 1 1 Figure above is the production flow analysis 3.0 Flow Chart in forming group technology Group Technology Advantages and disadvantages of group technology Group technology will play an important role in the future production plants although now it still does not achieve the widespread application. Using group technology strategy is definitely beneficial to all of us. This strategy is not only beneficial to the company but also beneficial to the citizen or users. The advantages of group technology toward the manufacturing process will be the production process can be improved. For example, the part control can become tighter, the physical layout of the machine group can be improved and the ordering tied toward the production also can be improved when group technology is being used. The other advantage will be a more systematic design and redesign can be produced. This will consequently lead to reducing on the planning time of the process and the setup time. The other advantage toward the manufacturing process will be the purchasing cost of the material can be reduced due to the materials are purchase in a very large quantity. This can also improve the accuracy of cost estimation of a certain companies or organizations. All these will definitely bring to an improvement toward the company and causes company or organizations to develop faster. The improvement also can be clear seen on the product itself when group technology is being used. We can clearly see the quality of the products being improved. This is because the number of completely new design can be reduced and this causes the workers more familiar with the part. This leads to a production of better quality products. The advantage that brings to the customer or users is the cost of the product is reduced when group technology being introduced. This is because the transportation fee to tr
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Senior Citizens Should Give Retirement to Family to End Recession :: Economics Economy
Retirees over the age of sixty two in the United States are estimated by an independent financial survey to be sitting on over one trillion dollars in total assets. That money mostly lies in financial institutions gathering interest while needy family members suffer impatiently waiting for the day when it will be their inheritance. But not all seniors are that callous, they give away their money to loved ones before they die. There is no better way for the elderly to show that they care. Those that do can enjoy the pleasure of watching their money being spent. It is a joy that they would never experience if they waited until their death. The country is in a recession that could be ended by an influx of spending money. The economic stimulus money that will be received by tax payers during the summer months will help but it is not enough. More money is needed. The economy would improve and the recession ended if the trillion dollars held by seniors was spent. It is up to them to end the recession in a loving way. Immediate handing over of their unneeded assets to loved ones would cause a spending spree the nation has never witnessed before. It would put the unemployed back to work and end home foreclosures. I am sure if our elderly realized their power to help they would quickly respond. I had a close friend who suffered with a nervous disorder all of his life. He lived with the help of a government welfare program which just gave him enough to survive. His parents were millionaires in the real estate business and owned at least twenty apartment houses. They let their son live rent free in one of them. But they gave him nothing more. I spoke with him many times over the years and listened to his complaints. He had little to eat and was lonely. The only hope he had was that one day his parents would die and leave him with their millions. They both were dead when he reached the age of seventy two but the money was left to his two sisters and their children. All he inherited was the right to continue living rent free. I never witnessed such cruelty. Many seniors are sitting on more money than they need while family members no longer living with them are destitute or have financial problems.
Monday, November 11, 2019
INTRODUCTION: In the competitive market industries of category of domestic, international or global have very competitive rivalry. Cost leadership and differentiation strategies are commonly used strategic management dimensions in the literature (Dess and Davis, 1984; Nayyar, 1993). But to achieve market superiority over competitors and profitability it has to make clear choice over the strategy used in order to avoid ââ¬Ëthe inherent contradiction of different strategiesââ¬â¢ (Porter, 1996, p. 67) In todayââ¬â¢s market for a company to survive, it has to create two corporate strategies 1.Lowest price without jeopardizing the quality. 2. Better quality, simple way of operation and better look that means ability to be creative and innovative. According to Porter (1985) all generic competitive strategies have different way of cresting sustainable competitive advantage. And a company must always choose a strategy or else it will be stuck in the middle without coherent strategy (Acquaah & Yasai ââ¬â Ardekani, 2006). Many companies for example Wal ââ¬â Mart and AirAsia have been implementing a single strategy very successfully.Examples of companies which has used differentiation strategy as single strategy successfully: * Differentiation by Brand: Harley Davidson and Mercedes Benz * Differentiation by Design: Titan watches ââ¬â with gold studded gems, diamonds, precious metals. * Differentiation by Positioning: Domino Pizza ââ¬Ë 30 minutes deliveryââ¬â¢ * Differentiation by Technology: Apple Computers * Differentiation by Innovation: 3M. Furthermore there are successful companies which apply hybrid ââ¬â strategy which implies both cost leadership & differentiation strategy at the same time.Eg: Germanââ¬â¢s Automotive, Tesco supermarket, IKEA. Competitive Strategy: It is the way by which firms choose to accomplish and hold their competitive advantage. Regarding competitive strategy Porter stated that ââ¬Å"taking offence or defensiv e actions to create a defendable position in an industry, to cope with â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦competitive forces and thereby yield a superior return for the firmâ⬠. Companies have established different approaches to competitive strategy, as per the crisis companies should apply respective strategy. The basic of generic strategy:Porter stated that companyââ¬â¢s strength is divided into two attributes: cost advantage and differentiation. By applying these attributes in a broad and narrow focus, three generic strategies result: cost leadership, differentiation and focus. They do not represent any industry nor they are specific to any company. PORTERââ¬â¢S GENERIC STRATEGIES: Diagram 1: (Porter, 1980) Normally means ââ¬Å"pursue a quality approachâ⬠. Enables a price premium to be charged for the quality difference. Normally means ââ¬Å"pursue a quality approachâ⬠. Enables a price premium to be charged for the quality difference.Aim to have lowest cost-base in dustry. Will facilitate favourable / cheaper pricing and thus grow market share in elastic industries particularly. Aim to have lowest cost-base industry. Will facilitate favourable / cheaper pricing and thus grow market share in elastic industries particularly. Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage Differentiation Differentiation Lower Cost Lower Cost Broad Target Broad Target 1. Cost Leadership| Competitive Score Competitive Score 2. Differentiation| Narrow Target Narrow Target 3 A. Cost Focus| 3 B. Differentiation Focus|Concentrate on one or a small number of market segments. Can be differentiation or cost leadership. Concentrate on one or a small number of market segments. Can be differentiation or cost leadership. Porter initially advised Firms to avoid attempting both Strategies ââ¬â Stuck in the Middle ââ¬â as out and out differentiators and cost leaders will tend to be more competitive. The success of Japanese (and other) firms with JIT, Kaizen and TQM techniqu es appears to provide evidence contrary to this view. Requirements for generic competitive strategies:Generic Strategy| Commodity Required Skills and Resources| Common Organizational Requirements| Overall cost leadership| Sustained capital investment access to capital| Tight cost control| | Process engineering skills| Frequent, detailed control reports| | Intense supervision of labour| Structured organization and responsibilities| | Products designed for ease | Incentives based on meeting strict quantitative| | Low-cost distribution system| targets in manufacture| Differentiation| Strong marketing abilities| Strong coordination among functions in R&D, product development, and marketing| | Product ngineering| | | Creative flare | | | Strong capability in basic research| Subjective measurement andincentives instead of quantitative measures| | Corporate reputation for quality or technological leadership| Amenities to attract highly skilled labour, scientists, or creative people| | Long tradition in the industryor unique combination of skills drawn from other businesses| | | Strong cooperation fromchannels| | Focus| Combination of the above policies directed at the particular strategic target| Combination of the above policies directed at the regular strategic target|Four strategic types and their approaches to strategy (Miles and Snow)? : 1. Defender: * protect market share * hold current position 2. Analyser: * seek market opportunities but protect existing areas * hold market share but with some innovation 3. Prospector: * find new opportunities * exploit and take risks 4. Reactor: * respond only to other * often late and inadequate COST AND DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGY: Cost Leadership Strategy ââ¬â The cost leadership strategy represents cost control and efficiency in all areas of operation (Porter, 1980).A company that decides to follow cost leadership actually achieves it by performing important value chain activities with lower cost (Porter, 1985). Cost â â¬â Leadership strategy strives to supply a standard, no frills, high volume product with a competitive price to customers (Bingxin Li & Juan Li, 2008) which is preferred in developing countries India, China, Indonesia & Malaysia. This make product more competitive than others with brand image and good service (Hutchinson et al. 2007; Frambach et al. 2003; Porter, 1980).Cost Leadership aim requires strong focus on supply side as oppose to demand side of market ââ¬â with high level competitor orientation (Day & Wendley, 1988). Cost Leadership strategy used by companies must benchmark them in a profitable position in the market place. As per Porter (1980), efficient cost leadership strategy minimizes cost in areas like R&D, Services, Sales and Advertising. In Japan, Toyota Company has successfully implemented cost leadership strategy with increased efficiency (Schonberger, 1994) which is a different factor make up in this strategy when compared to the western countries. Allen & Helms, 2001) Differentiation Strategy ââ¬â The generic of differentiation strategy can be based upon design and brand image, distribution & so forth (Frambach. Et al. 2003). It involves by creating a place in the market that is realized as being different in the industry and has the capability to endure for a long run (Porter, 1980). The effectiveness of strategy depends on competitive offering to customers (Slater & Olson, 2001) with unique product for varied customer groups. This is with the aim to create minimum price of product in order to develop satisfaction and loyalty.A firm with differentiation strategy creates superior characteristics in terms of image, reputation, reliability and equality (Dean & Evans, 1994; Sashi and Stern, 1995). This creates qualitative difference in products & service, engaged in advertising programs, marketing techniques with premium prices (Miller, 1986). According to Acquaah and Yasai ââ¬â Ardekani (2006). Firms with competitive strategie s has advantage over their rivals as they realized how unique their products and services are.The differentiation strategy has been successfully implemented in France, Sweden, Canada with companies having advantage of Financial and technology resources, human capital and modern management (Aulakh et al, 2000) Focus Porter defined focus as one of the generis strategies but later on mentioned it as moderator of cost leadership and differentiation strategy, Companies which apply this strategy normally focus on the market where there are less competition. (Pearson, 1999). Firms uses this strategy to stress on a specific positioning in the market and so it offers quality and specialized products for that position.Therefore sometimes focus strategy is referred as niche strategy (Lynch, 2003). This strategy allows the firm the possibility to charge a premium price for its specialized products. Ferrari and Rolls ââ¬â Royce are examples of company using such strategy. The only problem wi th the strategy is that niche characteristic is not sufficient to justify companyââ¬â¢s attention. Stuck in the middle ââ¬â When a company fails to make a choice between the strategies then it is implied that the company is stuck in the middle. Thus affecting its profitability and resulting poor financial performance. (Peter, 1980)THE COMBINATION (HYBRID) STRATEGY: The Porter Generic competitive Strategies (1980, 1985) canââ¬â¢t be given excessive prominence. Competitive forces ( Allen and Helms, 2006; Miller, 1992; Spanos, et al. , 2004) has been termed ââ¬Å" hybrid, mixed, integrated or combination strategies. (Kim. Et al. , 2004; Spanos, et al. , 2004). They combine both low cost and differentiation elements (Gopalakrishna and Subramanian, 2001; Proff, 2000). A combination of cost leadership and differentiation strategies should be distinguish from ââ¬Ëstuck in the middleââ¬â¢ where firm fails to successfully pursue both. (Acquaah & Yasai ââ¬â Ardekani, 2006 ).A combination or hybrid strategy has been proved to be viable and profitable (Kim et al. , 2004; Miller & Dess, 1993; Wright et al. , 1991). Firms pursuing combined strategy achieved higher performance than the other firms which apply single strategy. Combined strategy also helps the firm to minimize their vulnerability due to reliance on cost ââ¬â based advantages only (Yasai ââ¬â Ardekani & Nystrom, 1996). This hybrid strategy success depends on ability to deliver enhanced benefit to customers with low price and sufficient margins to reinvestment. Tesco Supermarket is following same the same strategy (Strategy Explorer, 2010)THE APPLICATION OF SINGLE STARTEGY: Cost Leadership Strategy: The cost leadership strategy is the basis for long ââ¬â run compare to price competition. Price competition is easily duplicated (Porter, 1980; Ellis & Kelly, 1992). In retail business cost reduction must be exploited which minimizes cost throughout value chain activities. Important is sues in retail business are related with cost of goods sold. (COGS). Large retail business achieve more easily cost leadership due to more power supplier to secure low procurement prices for purchased goods (Ellis & Kelley, 1992; Anderer, 1997).Datuk Tony Fernandez as CEO of AirAsia Berhad said ââ¬Å"Before business can grow it needs to have its cost under control, efficient and profitable and also it must create valueâ⬠. AirAsia leader of LCC in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia will face competition from existing and new players and it need to make consideration & more stressed for the point of becoming the low cost carrier in the airline industries. Differentiation Strategy: It emphasis several dimensions such as image, gain customer loyalty, innovation and level of service (Kim et al. , 2004) by generating differences n product through intensive marketing & image management (Miller 1988) and creating products which are innovative, dependable, durable, and serviceable (Beal & Yasai ââ¬â Ardekani, 2000) In retail business company, as for manufacturing companies two main arguments against Porter framework have emerged (Mintzberg, 1996; Worztel, 1987; Zentes and Anderer, 1994) ââ¬â * Strategies that combine several competitive advantages are not considered by Porter. * The reduction of possible competitive advantage to two basic types is simplistic & especially differentiation advantages can be reached in different ways.The implementation of combination of Cost Leadership and Differentiation Strategy (Hybrid Strategy): This new hybrid strategy may become even more important and more popular as Global competition increase. With generic strategy company improve their ability to adapt quick environment changes and learn new skills and technologies involving customerââ¬â¢s value with products at low cost compare to competitorââ¬â¢s products. Cost leadership enables the company to charge the lowest competitive price and achieving competitive adva ntage by delivering value to customers based on both product features and low price.Competitive strategy is not only feasible but generates superior incremental performance result in multiple sources of competitive advantage. This will generate superior performance over the inability to success. The success of Japanese companies such as Toyota, Canon and Honda are best examples of cost leadership and differentiation strategies. (Ishikura, 1983). Porterââ¬â¢s Generic Strategies in Hospitality Industry: 1. Cost Leadership Strategy: Hotelier such as Fairfield Inns, Etap offer services which are basics. Thus by doing so, they keep the cost at minimum and attract lot of market segment. . Differentiation Strategy: Chain of hotels such as Marriott and Hilton apply this strategy by providing guests with high quality and special service and experience. 3. Focus Strategy: Four Seasons only stress on elite guests and Burj Al Arab hotel only target guests such as royal families, celebrities, and rich industrialists. Five Forces Analysis: Porter developed this model as a framework to understand the profitability about the industry. Mentioned below are the five forces: * Supplierââ¬â¢s power * Buyerââ¬â¢s power * The threat of substitutes * The ease of entry to the market The intensity of rivalry in the market Porter Five Forces that shape industry competition: Example of a pharmaceutical company in US: â⬠¢ Potential New Entrants: There are high barriers for entry especially in the US market due to the regulatory compliance, patent laws and the risk associated with the industry this remains a weak competitive force. The cost related to the R&D also limits the Potentials New Entrants. â⬠¢ Suppliers: Supplier power in low as the majority of the pharmaceutical sale is among the ten large pharmaceutical companies also they remain the major costumer for the chemical industry. Buyers: The power of the buyers is a moderate competitive force. Increasing pressure is being applied on the manufacturers to reduce the prices. In the pharmaceutical industry the end-user of the product has very low power as they buy the drugs that the decision maker or the doctor prescribes. â⬠¢ Substitutes: This competitive power is weak when the products have the patent production but gets medium when they are off patent. CONCLUSION: Successful organization adopts a combination of competitive aspect to build a hybrid strategy. i. e. Design and low cost, quality and price .Only competing on price is not good enough (Daan Assensââ¬â¢s Learning , 2010). Cost leadership and differentiation strategies are very successful in much different kind of industries, for developing, transition and developed economics. Cost leadership, Differentiation and hybrid strategies have been successfully applied for very broad range of products and services from retail products to luxury products. TABLE 1: STRATEGIES USED BY THE COMPANIES No. | Strategy| Where has the strategy bee n applied | Products/Services that the strategy has been applied | 1. Cost Leadership| Developing, Transition and developed economics (worldwide)| Cars Industry (Toyota), Airline Business (Air Asia), Retail Business (Giant and Carrefour Supermarket)| 2. | Differentiation| Developing, Transition and developed economics (worldwide)| Cars and Motor cycle Mercedes Benz, Harley Davidson, Titan Watches, Domino Pizza, Apple , 3M| 3. | Hybrid ââ¬â (Combination of Cost Leadership and Differentiation Strategy)| Developing, Transition and developed economics (worldwide)| Car Industry ââ¬â Toyota, Honda, Furniture Industry ââ¬â IKEA| REFERENCES: Acquaah, M. & Yasai-Ardekani, M. (2006). Does the implementation of a combination competitive strategy yield incremental performance benefit? A new perspective from transition economy in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Business Research 61, 346 ââ¬â 354. * Anderer, M. 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Saturday, November 9, 2019
Comparative study of Thematic influence of Henrik Ibsen On Bernerard Shaw
Comparative study of Thematic influence of Henrik Ibsen On Bernerard Shaw Free Online Research Papers Abstract Ibsen, father of the modern drama, has influenced other playwrights not only in Scandinavia but also in all over the Europe. George Bernard Shaw is one of the greatest playwrights in the word that has been influenced by Ibsens novelty of techniques in drama. Ibsen was important to Shaw not just as a socialist, social philosopher and not exclusively because of his ideas but in wide variety of ways. This paper is a comparative study of thematic influence of Henrik Ibsen on mature Shaw. The main notification of this paper is to back up thematic influence of Ibsen on Shaw by finding the same ideas and themes in Ibsens famous play, A Dolls House, then comparing them with ideas in Shaws play, Candida. Although some Shaws critics deny that his mind was full of Ibsen, this paper challenges to prove that Shaw frequently employed Ibsens characters, problems and themes fairly in his own style and fashion. **** 1. Introduction Ibsens twenty-six plays during fifty years of writing inspired subsequent drama so purposefully that gained him the reputation of father of the modern drama. His significance was attributed to introducing the social play and realistic problem play to the stage of theater. Ibsens realistic problem play and his interest in socialism and feminism makes him one of the most continually played dramatists that had unquestionable influence on following dramatists. It seems that Bernard Shaw was the best one to pursue Ibsens problem play. Shaw transformed English theater of romantic conventions of later dramatists plays called well made plays, into theater of ideas. To Shaw the importance of great poets as Shakespeare who understood society and its implications, but writer in typical vein, is less meaningful than utilitarian talent. A Dolls House said Shaw will be as flat as ditchwater when Midsummer Night Dream will still be as flesh as paint, but it will have done more work for world and thatââ¬â¢s enough for highest genius. Although Ibsens scholars show a little awareness of similarities between Shaw and their playwrights, the ideological influence of Ibsen on Shaw can not be neglected. The trace of Ibsenism can be followed in Shaws style, characterization and more strongly in his ideas and themes. What is important is the fact that Shaw without Ibsen couldnââ¬â¢t be Bernard Shaw that we know today. Shaws critics believe that Marx influenced him socially and Ibsen helped bring together his aesthetical and social views. Shaw admired Ibsens psychological symbolic drama and said that: If my head not been full of Ibsen, I should have less amusing. The structural and thematic influences of Ibsens play are limited in several Shaws plays. Although Shaw mentioned that some of his plays due nothing to Ibsen and even some of them were written when Shaw did know nothing about Ibsen, there are a lot of clues that some socialistic and feministic ideas that helped to shape Shaws ideas originated from Ibsen. Shaw wrote to Daily Chronicle on the question that whether his dramatic works were due to the influence of Ibsen and De Maupassant: do not let us the cry of Ibsen whenever we find a modern idea in a play. After Shaws acquaintance with Ibsen, his ideas flow his way toward what was in the mind of Ibsen. Therefore Shaws latter plays are touched Ibsens idea, and the presence of Ibsens effect on Shaws literary themes is undeniable. 2. Comparing the Plots: Women in Dilemma Since this paper intends to challenge thematic influence of Ibsen on Bernard Shaw, two plays, A Dolls House and Candida are chosen to prove this claim. Nora Helmer, heroine in Ibsens play, is a quiet immature woman who suddenly recognizes that her martial situation happens to be a life lie. Finding the truth in her marriage life, she struggles to find her liberty and she knows that she have to experience real life to gain her freedom. Thus, she is in dilemma to leave her ingratitude husband and her family behind to gain experience or continue living in a home where she is treated like a doll in. Finally, she decides to choose a proper way and sets herself free from the bounds to assure discovering herself. Bernard Shaw made some comment about Nora: The moment she [Nora] leaves her home is the moment her life begins. The idea of a modern woman in dilemma of finding truth about herself and to be loyal to the norms and conventions of the society first introduced by Ibsen in his plays while years later Shaw proposed it skillfully and more evolved in different situation in his dramas. Shaws Candida is set with the parallel story and theme that is upside down with Ibsens. Candida is a name for a woman who is in dilemma of choosing between her husband and a lover. Shaw himself in a note to London performance of Candida wrote: The surprise in Candida a counterblast to Ibsens A Dolls House, showing that in a real typical Dolls House it is a man who is doll. After A Dolls House is the reverse of Candida. 3. Emancipated Woman The emancipated woman is a theme Ibsen was greatly involved with in his works. Women in major works of Ibsen like Rebecca West in Rosemersholm, Loan Hessel in Pillars of Society and Nora Helmer in A Dolls House are figures regarded as emancipated women in different levels. Nora Helmer is a typical Ibsens character of nineteen century middle class family who sacrifices herself to save her husbands life, but her husband doesnââ¬â¢t care for her sacrifice. Nora who has been treated like a doll in her marriage life awakens at the end of the play and finds herself tied to family bounds and conventional duties of a wife imposed upon her by society and the male dominated society. Ibsen proposes the idea when Nora is in a big dilemma of setting herself free from bounds of family conventions to experience real life and discovering truth about self, or staying at the same house with his family. Attacking the conventional standards of the society, Ibsen shows the process of emancipation of a woman when Nora finally decides to set her journey up to leave family and discover the truth about herself. Ibsen himself in a note about this play says: A woman can not be herself in contemporary society, it is an exclusive male society with law drafted by men, and with counsel and judges who judge feminine conduct from the male point of view. Shaw was got interested in plays of his Norwegian counterpart specially A Dolls House because he was considering them as modern play. He loved the discussion scene at the end of the play and utilized it in his drama, Candida. Nora and Candida has many characteristic in common. Later is considered as an emancipated woman because she is a wise man with great soul who tries to offer love to a young poet in order to make him abandon the impure love of another bad woman; however, the society and her husband do not accept this innocent mocking love. Her goodness and purity leads her to search for reality and truth in her life when she is in dilemma of choosing her lover and her husband. Informed of the striking similarities between his drama and Ibsens as a result of influence, Shaw wrote in a note to London production of Candida the following: The surprise in Candida forty years ago was its turning the table on A Dolls House. For though the cards arenââ¬â¢t packed against the husband as they were in Ibsens play, and he is questionably a genuine good fellow of high character and unselfish spirit, yet it is shown irresistibly that domestically he is the poet and doll, and that is his wife who runs the establishment and makes all his public triumph possible. Confessing that his drama, Candida, is a counterblast to Ibsens A Dolls House, Shaw put a woman on the stage who is resemblance to Nora in the way she is in dilemma about choosing and she finds out truths about her marriage life. The only difference is that this is Marchbanks, the young poet, who lives the house at night. Both women characters in the plays are in dilemma of opposing norms and conventions of society and marriage to find their identity and know themselves or stick on to their life lie. Therefore, Shawââ¬â¢s connection to Ibsen and his influence on Shaws ideas and thoughts is vivid both in characterization and in themes. 4. Unwomanly Woman Shaw in his book Quintessence of Ibsenism mentions some points about technical novelty in Ibsens plays and using conflicts of characters for special purposes in his plays. Bernard Shaw is concerned with the external, social conflict between characters instead of tension and internal struggle that we see in most of Ibsens work. According to Shaw the dramas rise through a conflict of ideas rather than a misunderstanding, ambiguity, treachery or ambitions and conflict is not always between the hero and villain, as you see in Candida or A Dolls House there is no obvious hero or villain. Of course Shaw does not see the plays of Ibsen as a kind of socialist judgment on marriage law or the position of women, but he believes that external conflicts of characters are very noticeable because they show their struggle toward their aims that are freedom and liberty. Shaw continues in his book that his Norwegian counterparts typical play is one in which the leading woman is an unwomanly woman and the villain is an idealist. What is presumed from his statements is that Ibsen is imprecisely turning the norms and conventions of the society, surrounding the life a woman, overturned. To understand Ibsens image of an Unwomanly Woman one must think over his definition about Womanly Woman that can elaborate the concept of New Woman. A Womanly Woman is one who rejects her womanliness and clinches to her duty to her husband, children, to the society, to the law and everyone except herself. Thus, the woman is an immediate slave of duty and an indirect slave of man. The ideal woman is one who does everything that the ideal husband likes and if a woman dares face to fact that she is treated like this, as a doll like Nora, she either opposes herself or almost rebels like most of Ibsens women characters. Unwomanly Woman, on the other hand, is the emancipated woman who has revolt against the conventional family and marriage life and worst than all against a male dominated society. Shaw in his lecture to Fabian society about a woman with the same name of Womanly Woman mentions the same point: Womans duty to herself is no duty at all, therefore woman has repudiated altogether. In that repudiation lays her freedom; for it is false to say that woman is now directly the salve of man: she is immediate slave of duty; and as mans pass to freedom is strewn with the wreckage of duties and ideals he has trampled on, so must hers be. Ibsen, of course, doesnââ¬â¢t look forward to that all women like Nora should act what she did, but he intends to show that the position of women in the society is going to find a new aspect. The concept of Unwomanly Woman or new woman is surely a major theme in Shaws major works specially Candida that is a result of Ibsens impact on Shaws idea. Candida, as Shaw describes her, is a woman of thirty, well built, well nourished, likely on guesses to become matronly later on, but now quiet on her best with double charm of youth and motherhood. She is the best wife for a person like Morell, but he is not the best husband for her and this is all that Marchbanks, her lover, wants to say. Morell who is a preacher speaks rather than listen, so he understands less than a man should. In the second act when Candida talks to Morell taking into account her regret that she couldnââ¬â¢t teach love to Marchbanks, she realizes that her husband understands nothing from her words. Candida: Donââ¬â¢t you understand? (He shakes his hand. She turns to him again, so as explain with the fondest intimacy) I mean, will he forgive me for not teaching him myself? For abandoning him to the bad woman for the sake of my goodness, of my purity, as you call it? Ah James how little you understand me, to talk of your confidence in my goodness and purity! I would give them both to poor Eugene [Marchbanks] as willingly as I would give him my shawl to beggar dying of cold, if there were nothing else to restrain me. Put your trust in my love for you, James; for if that went, I should care very little for your sermons: more phrases that you cheat yourself and others with everyday. ( she is about to rise). Morell: His words Candida: (checking herself quickly in the act of getting up) whose words? Morell: Eugenes Candida: (delighted) He is always right. He understands you, he understands me; He understands Prossy; and you darling, you understand nothing. Candida offers Eugene pure motherhood love which symbolizes with the clothes that she endows to beggar to protect him from dying of cold; Although, society doesnââ¬â¢t differentiate pure motherhood love with the other ones. As one can grasp from comparison, Ibsen is significant to Shaw for many reasons. The best ones are ideas concerning exploiting women and the right to live ones own life for women which are originally offered by Ibsen and valued by Shaw skillfully. 5. Criticizing Idealism Considering marriage community, Bernard Shaw in his book about Ibsen, Quintessence of Ibsenism, categories people into three different groups. Counting them out of one thousand, he set seven hundreds in Philistine seat, those who are satisfied with their marriage life, two hundreds ninety nine are called realists and just one remains as an idealist. In both plays there are list of characters that can be ranked as mentioned above. Helmer and Trovald both are idealist men when Nora and Candida can be called Philistine at the beginning of the play because at the end they are enlightened. Mrs. Linde in A Dolls House, and Marchbanks in Candida both are realists who see the truth. Mrs. Linde doesnââ¬â¢t let Korgstad to take his letter back and Noras secret is divulged to Trovald and Marchbanks is a lover who believes Morell doesnââ¬â¢t deserve such a good wife as Candid. Presence of two idealist husbands in both plays by Shaw and Ibsen besides characters that can be labeled Philistines and realists show the striking ideological similarities between dramatists. However this can be considered as firm evidence to prove that notion that Shaw has borrowed the idea from Ibsen originally and furnished it skillfully with a theoretical assumption in a book contains studying Ibsen. In both plays, Candida and A Dolls House, husbands are described idealist men who evidently powerful manly husbands are offering their protection and support to their wives although reality is totally different. At the end of the play they both figure out that they are neither powerful nor protective or even supportive. Torvald at the last act of the play says Nora: only lean on me â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ I have wings to shield you. The dramatic irony expressed by Ibsen has its clue in the first act when Nora explains Mrs. Linde that how painful and humiliating it would be for her husband, Trovald, with his manly self-sufficiency to know that he awed anything to her. In the other hand, Morell offers more or less the same protection to his wife Cnadida, telling her: Morell: I have nothing to offer you but my strength for your defense, my honesty for your surety, my ability and industry for your livelihood, and my authority and position for your dignity. This is all becomes a man to offer to woman. Shaw uses the situational irony at the end of the play when Candida announces that she intends to devote herself to the weaker man because he needs protection and that is her husband, Morell. Shaw has used the same idea of attacking an idealist at the end of the play when Morell finds out that he has been chosen not because of his manly offer but because his wife considers him weaker and deserves sympathy and protection. The way the both plays end is another validation to prove the claim for thematic influence of Ibsen on Shaw. The curtains are down in both plays sooner than a discussion scene told by women appears as regularly at the end of each play concerning the weakness of an idealist husband. The scene is followed by leaving a character at night to seek his or her identity outside the conventional world of family. Nora finds out truth about her life and leaves the family to search the reality. At the same time, Shaw describes Marchbanks departure at night to find truth with a secret in his heart. As a result, as we have seen Ibsens play clearly is served as one of Shaws models to write Candida. William Raymond about the end of the play declares that: A major weakness in Candida I feel, is that Marchbanks transformation at the end of the play is too abrupt; it isnââ¬â¢t easy for us to accept, on the basis of what he has gone before his declaration in act three. I no longer desire happiness an d his decision to gout into the night. The explanation of this abruptness could have something to do with Ibsen. Shaw himself at the end of his preface to three plays for puritans declares, I am a crow who has followed many ploughs. He continues that he is echoing Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Ibsen, Tolstoy and some other heresiarch in Europe. End Notes Bernard Dukore,(ed), Mac Graw Hill, Encyclopedia of world drama, Vol.23, New York, 1946, pp. 338-421. J.L.Wisenthal, Shaw and Ibsen, The Quintessence of Ibsenism, University of Toronto press, London, 1979, p. 38. Richard Nickson, G.B.Shaws Candida, monarch notes press Paterson college state, London, 1970, p. J.L.Wisenthal, Shaw and Ibsen, The Quintessence of Ibsenism, University of Toronto press, London, 1979, p. 52. Richard Nickson, G.B.Shaws Candida, monarch notes press Paterson college state, London, 1970, p. 68. Warren. S. Smith, Bernard Shaws plays with background and criticism, Norton critical edition, New York, 1970, p. John Northan, Ibsen, A critical study: A Dollââ¬â¢s House Characterization, Cambridge universitypress, London, 1973, p.42-50 James Macfarlane, The Cambridge companion of Ibsen, Cambridge university press, London, 1994, p. 79. Richard Nickson, G.B.Shaws Candida, monarch notes press Paterson college state, London, 1970, pp. 52-63 .L.Wisenthal, Shaw and Ibsen, The Quintessence of Ibsenism, University of Toronto press, London, 1979, p. 98. Edward R. Pease, The History of Fabian Society, The Hamlyn Publishing group, London, 1975. George Bernard Shaw, Candida, acII, p.23 Krogstad is a lawyer who went to school with Torvald and holds a subordinate position at Torvalds bank. He is a man from whom Nora has borrowed money to save her husband but her forgery is reported to Torvald by Korgstad who asks Nora to enforce her husband to overlook his forgery at the bank. Henrik Ibsen, A Dolls House, act II, p. 66 George Bernard Shaw, Candida, acII, p.26 Raymond Williams, Modern Tragedy, Stanford University press, California, 1985, p.15. Richard Nickson, G.B.Shaws Candida, monarch notes press Paterson college state, London, 1970, pp. 79-92 References Bradbrook, Muried, Ibsen the Norwegian, New Edition, Hamden and Conn press, London, 1965. Brandet, George.W.,(ed). Modern Theories of Drama. A selection of writing drama and theory by different writers, Oxford university press, London, 1990. Bernard Dukore,(ed), Mac Graw Hill, Encyclopedia of world drama, Vol.23, New York, 1946, pp. 338-421. Davidson, Clifford, (ed). Drama in Twenties century, comparative and critical essays by different essayists, A.M.S press, New York, 1984. Ibsen, Henrik, A Dollââ¬â¢s House, Prestwick House Literary Touchstone Press, London, 1910. Innes. C.D.,The Cambridge companion to George Bernard Shaw, Cambridge university press, London,1998. Lyons, Charles, R., ed. Critical Essays on Henrik Ibsen, Princeton hall, 1963. Macfarlane, James, The Cambridge companion of Ibsen, Cambridge university press, London, 1994, p. 79. Northan, John, Ibsen, A critical study, Cambridge university press, London, 1973. Nickson, Richard, G.B.Shaws Candida, monarch notes press Paterson college state, London, 1970, p. 68-83. Richards, Shaun, Cambridge companion to twentieth-century Irish drama, Cambridge university press, London, 2004. Shaw, G.B, Candida, Penguin books Ltd, New York, 1952. Smith, Warren. S., Bernard Shaws plays with background and criticism, Norton critical edition, New York, 1970. Wisenthal, L., Shaw and Ibsen, The Quintessence of Ibsenism, University of Toronto press, London, 1979, p. 38.189 Williams, Raymond, Modern Tragedy, Stanford University Press, California, 1985, pp.15-64 -, Drama from Ibsen to Brechet, Penguin books, New York, 1983. Research Papers on Comparative study of Thematic influence of Henrik Ibsen On Bernerard ShawHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementResearch Process Part OneEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Effects of Illegal Immigration
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others How much of your day do you spend obsessively comparing yourself to your friends or colleagues? Your best friend from college makes more money than you do, even though sheââ¬â¢s been at her job for less time. Your cubicle mate always gets complimented by your boss, even though you know she spends half her workday on Facebook. If youââ¬â¢re a frequent player of the comparison game, you know it always leads to youà feeling terrible about yourself. Yes, everyone on LinkedIn is doing better on the ladder than you are. And yes, everyone on Instagram is living their best life. But did you know that without the whole story, you really have no basis for comparison? Hereââ¬â¢s how you can make sure to not fall into the trap of needless comparison. The next time you play the ââ¬Å"hereââ¬â¢s why heââ¬â¢s betterâ⬠game, simply remember these tips, take a deep breath, and work on improving yourself rather than holding yourself against impossible standards.1. Realize that c omparisons donââ¬â¢t tell the whole story.Are you comparing what you know to be your worst against what you judge to be someone elseââ¬â¢s best? Are you comparing your beginning to someone elseââ¬â¢s middle? Your early career to their glory days? Your entry-level salary to their 40-year career? Remember that comparisons require metrics, which are hard to come by even when you arenââ¬â¢t trying to compare apples to oranges or seeds to trees.2. Understand that youââ¬â¢re wasting precious time.Every hour you spend comparing yourself to someone else is an hour youââ¬â¢re not spending doing better, learning more, acquiring new skills, and moving forward. Comparing yourself to someone else shifts your mindset away from where it needs to be- on you- by putting it somewhere else much less productive. Focus on yourself and what you must do to be where you need to be, and cut out the rest of the noise.3. Know that social media is not your friend.The next time you fall down a n Insta-hole of perfectly posed pictures, turn off your device (or at least shut down your app) and force yourself to spend at least one hour without logging back on. If you spend that hour working on a self-improvement project, thatââ¬â¢s all the better. Work on building the kind of life you can be proud of. Focus on the present, not on how many ââ¬Å"likesâ⬠you got on your last post. Do something for yourself or someone else that will actually matter.4. Turn that frown upside down.Address whatever negative feelings are lurking in the back of your brain and try to turn them into positives. Use your jealousy and insecurity to spur you to grow faster and more. In fact, instead of viewing the person whoââ¬â¢s making you feel less-than as competition, you can think of him or her as a muse or an inspiration to do better. You might even reach out to that person in a mentorship or brain-picking capacity!5. Keep your dignity.You have nothing to gain in comparison situations, b ut everything to lose- not just your time and energy, but your drive, your passion, your pride, and your dignity. Youââ¬â¢re only in control of one life- your own. Do what you can to make it the best it can be, and donââ¬â¢t become bitter and jealous while forgetting to make something of yourself in the meantime.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Problem and soluyion paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Problem and soluyion paper - Essay Example At that time the teenager starts searching for a university to attend too. Most universities are not near the place where the teenager lives, thus most teenagers move out of the parentsââ¬â¢ house in order to attend college. The single parent at that time will no longer enjoy the company of their child. The parent now has to face life as if they were single once again without kids. A lot parents have trouble dealing with their changes in life once a kid leaves for college. This phenomenon is referred to as the empty nest. The empty nest can be defined as a time when marital satisfaction decreases because parents derive considerable satisfaction and the children departure leaves parents with empty feelings (Messac). The empty nest becomes harsher on single parents because they donââ¬â¢t have a partner to support them. Problem Statement Single parents are emotionally attached to their kids. The departure of their only sibling once they go to college creates an empty nest that aff ects the person emotionally. Once the kid leaves for college the single parent is left with a lot free time which the person does not know what to do with. A problem statement of this situation is: How can single parents continue with their lives in order to fulfill the hole left by the departure of their kids once they leave for college? Alternative Solutions Once the kid of a single parent leaves for college the parent is left with a lot of time for themselves. The parent might become depressed because they miss the presence of their kid in their household. There are ways in which the parent can defeat the empty nest feeling they are exposed too due to the departure of their kid. The work life of the parent alone is not sufficient to satisfy the social needs of the parent. An alternative solution for the parent to forget about how much they miss their kid is to take a vacation. The longer the vacation time the better off the parent will be. The vacation spot can be within the Unit ed States or outside the United States. The destination chosen and the longevity of the vacation will depend on the budget of the parent. My recommendation is for the parent to take an extended vacation of at least one month. While on vacation the parent will forget about the departure of the kid. The person will be enjoying quality time alone. Once the person comes back from the vacation it is likely that the individual will have a new perspective in life and the emotional attachment to their child will be lessen. A second alternative solution for the parent going through an empty nest feeling due to the departure of the kid for college is for the parent to get involved in volunteer work. One of the biggest benefits of volunteering is the satisfaction of incorporating service into their lives and making a difference in the community and country (Nationalservice). Volunteering can be extremely rewarding because the person will notice how their service will benefit a person in need. There are various options for volunteering activities. A person can volunteer at a homeless shelter in order to help humans that have no home and are fighting everyday to find food. Another option for volunteer work is for the individual to volunteer at an elderly care center. The elderly go through similar situations as single parents as far as not having another person to share time with. A third volunteering option is to spend time with children at boys or girls
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Main Difference Between Printed and Electronic Search Research Paper
The Main Difference Between Printed and Electronic Search - Research Paper Example The information about the ASDA supermarket in Yellow pages is brief. It is not categorized and of course, it does not provide information about up-to-date special offers. But it gives a short overview of the company, so the reader at once understands what the company does and where it is situated. There is no structure in publications about ASDA in newspapers, magazines and journals, but that information is always corresponding to the date of the article. All news and articles have a brief mention of company ownership. For example, Private Label Magazine writes: ââ¬Å"ASDA, the Wal-Mart owned UK retailer, has relaunched ââ¬ËMeals Made Easy,ââ¬â¢ its gourmet ready meals private label range, according to a report by Planet Retail. The range of chilled oven-ready meals has over 70 SKUs. The range features redesigned packaging and has been relaunched with a multibuy pricing promotion.â⬠History of ASDA can be found in Internet encyclopaedia Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a multiling ual, Web-based, free-content encyclopaedia. It is written collaboratively by volunteers, meaning articles can be added or changed by nearly anyone. The project began on January 15, 2001, and is now operated by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. The English-language version of Wikipedia currently has 786,750 articles. According to Wikipedia, the name ASDA is a contraction of Associated Dairies and was founded in 1965 by a group of farmers from Yorkshire. ASDA went through a troubled period in the early 1990s but was then revived under the leadership of Archie Norman, who later became a front bench Conservative MP. He was chairman of the company during the period 1996ââ¬â99.
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